When it comes to cooling off, many people drink iced water but as per Ayurveda, consuming ice-cold beverages will only disrupt the digestive power, known as Agni. It is vital to hydrate your body with drinks that lower your body temperature but do not disrupt the digestive system, here are our top 6 natural drinks that are Ayurveda approved.

1. Mango Juice
Mango is well-known to promote the functioning and health of the digestive system. Loaded with vitamin C, A, and minerals it keeps your immune system healthy so you can continue to be going strong during the summer season. The King of fruits is sweet, cooling, tonic, heavy, and laxative. Mixed with milk calms vata and pitta, is tasty, nourishing, aphrodisiac, and improves complexion.
2. Buttermilk
Probably the best drink which refreshes and keeps the body cool in the hottest summer days, buttermilk is prepared by blending a few spoons of natural yogurt mixed with water. Buttermilk can be used to treat digestive disorders, swelling, gastrointestinal ailments, anemia and lack of appetite. It is light and easy to digest, while also being able to counter dehydration effectively (add a pinch of salt or spices).
3. Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice is rich in iron content, it’s anti-oxidant properties help keep the skin healthy and glowing even in the torturing heat during summer season. Pomegranate helps balance the three doshas in the body and has a cooling energy. It helps reduce body heat and controls thirst.
4. Tender Coconut Water
Tender coconut water replaces the fluid loss in the body and keeps it hydrated in this intense heat. Tender coconut water is an excellent source to replenish essential electrolytes and give an instant boost of energy. Try it in your Pitta Balancing Smoothie recipe
5. Lemon Juice
Drinking lemon juice regularly helps in boosting metabolism and aids digestion, removing toxins and dirt from the body. Taking lemon juice regularly helps in boosting metabolism and aids digestion, removing toxins and dirt from the body. Try lemon juice in warm water in the morning and at bedtime for better digestion along with My Essential Oil: Digestion roll on.
6. Fresh Cucumber Juice
Cucumber has high water content and is low in calories and fats. It is effective for cooling down the body in summer, while also being diuretic and aids detoxification. Enriched with vitamins, cucumber juice ensures that it replenishes the body with vitamin B to prevent fatigue and irritability, conditions which are synonymous to the summer season.
Give any of these natural drinks a try and stay hydrated!
Author: Natalia Lewallen (YouVeda)