Guided Yoga: Revolved Extended Side Angle and Salutation Seal Poses

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Two poses for today are Revolved Extended Side Angle and Salutation Seal

Revolved Extended Side Angle and Salutation Seal Poses

Revolved Extended Side Angle Pose

Revolved Side Angle stretches, tones, and strengthens the entire body, inside and out. It stretches the thighs, knees, ankles, calves, groins, chest, and shoulders. This pose builds strength in the legs, as well, particularly in the quadriceps and ankles.


  1. From Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II), with your legs in a Warrior Stance and arms in a capital ‘T’, inhale to prepare
  2. Exhale, reach your front hand forward and hinge your torso slightly forward
  3. Rest your forearm on top or slightly inside of your front thigh
  4. Extend your top arm up towards the sky, fingers pointing above you
  5. Stack your shoulders on top of each other
  6. Option to reach your top arm up overhead, wrapping your bicep around your ear with your fingers reaching towards the front of your space


  • Improves flexibility
  • Strengthens legs and core
  • Improves digestion
  • Stretches the groin, chest, and shoulders

Salutation Seal Yoga Pose

This Salutation Seal pose, also known as Anjali Mudra, is an excellent way to encourage a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice by sitting for 5 minutes. This hand position can also be used as you are standing prior to beginning the Sun Salutation sequence.

The Salutation or the Anjali Mudra can be done in a standing or sitting pose

  • First, inhale while bringing your palms together and rest your thumbs lightly on your breast bone (sternum) in the center
  • Next press your palms and fingers firmly and evenly together. Realize that one hand tends to be dominant, (if you are right-handed, your right hand will be stronger and the same if you are left hand, your left hand will dominate).
  • If there is an imbalance of strength, then adjust the pressure toward equal sensation.
  • Bow your head just slightly and draw your neck toward the center of your head.
  • Lift your sternum pressing toward your thumbs and down along the back of your upper arms all the way to your armpits to make your elbows hang heavy downward.


  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Calms the brain
  • Creates flexibility in the hands, fingers, wrists, and arms
  • Opens the heart

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