The feelings of Spring are upon us! That natural high of that first warm, sunny day, the sounds of the birds, and all of the new activity of Mother Nature! The leaves are sprouting. The flowers are blooming. And with this renewed sense of change in nature, Spring is the perfect time to gift ourselves with a reset… to cleanse, to restore the balance in this season of newness. According to Ayurveda, Spring is one of the most important seasons for cleansing!

These days, our bodies are inundated with never-ending stressors. Environmental toxins, unresolved emotions, processed foods, and psychological stress, just to name a few. But these stresses on our body and mind begin to affect our well-being.
As the seasons change, it’s a perfect reminder for us to take notice of the toxic build-up in our minds and bodies, restoring the balance we need to thrive!
- Relaxes the nervous system and calms the mind
- Increases energy and vitality
- Improves immunity
- Supports healthy weight management
- Supports the elimination of toxins from the body
- Increases strength
- Helps reestablish one’s natural state of balance
- Promotes optimal health and well-being
- Restores a renewed love of life!
So how do we transition through Spring and cleanse the way Mother Nature designed?
The days are becoming longer and the weather gets warmer, it’s the perfect time to allow yourself a moment to pause and appreciate the present moment.
When our schedules are busy and we juggle multiple roles, we often forget to take a much-needed moment for ourselves. Slowing down actually allows us to be more productive. It prevents burnout, allows us to have more energy, it maintains our focus, and channels our attention where it’s needed most. When our cup is full…that spills over into all areas of our life.
This cleansing invites you to give yourself a break. Beginning with your mind, what thoughts, emotions, stories can you let go of that you no longer want to carry? What intentions are you setting to invite in? Check-in with the intentions you set at the new year and remove any clutter that has gotten in the way.
Simple ways to connect back with yourself:
- Spend time with family
- Enjoy your food through mindful eating
- Laugh
- Practice Yoga
- Surround yourself with things and people you find uplifting and nourishing
- Go to the gym
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Get out in nature
- Find the beauty in the little things
- Do more of what you LOVE!
These simple practices can allow us to feel rejuvenated and refreshed almost instantly!
While Winter may be all about getting cozy and filling up on comfort foods, we may enter into Spring feeling heavy and sluggish. So it’s time to lighten things up, and shed the many aspects of our ‘Winter coat’, to allow new growth and abundance in the coming months.
Simple tips to REBALANCE Kapha:
- Drink lukewarm lemon water when you first wake up
- Support your immunity with healing herbs such as ginger, raw honey, holy basil, and amla to naturally boost your system (YouVeda’s IMMUNITY PACKS provide the perfect balance of these herbs)
- Walk or do yoga early in the morning to allow body to naturally drain
- Breathing deeply and slowly into your belly to reset your nervous system
As far as food goes, eating according to the seasons and filling our bodies with local fruits and vegetables that grow during that season are essential nourishing ourselves as we were designed. By simply following the laws of Mother Nature, you set your digestive system up for success, so it can most effectively absorb the abundance of nutrients it needs.

Kitchari is the most ancient form of detox and has been practiced by ancients for thousands of years. It has kept millions of people healthy, vibrant and strong, and free of toxins and pollutants.
Kitchari, a traditional Ayurvedic dish, is known for its ability to detox the body and balance all three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. For those who want to cleanse the body and soul in a gentle manner, kitchari provides essential nutrients while also detoxing the junk out of your body. It’s typically made with mung beans, basmati rice, seasonal vegetables, ghee, and spices. The mung beans are known for their ability to remove toxins, specifically pesticides and insecticides, from the body.
Kitchari can be enjoyed as often as you’d like, however, many enjoy eating kitchari only (mono-mealing) for at least 3 days in a row. It’s a delicious staple that all can enjoy!
Cleansing regularly, and removing impurities, allows our bodies and minds to function at its best. We digest food better, think clearer, and feel more radiant and alive!
In the end, when we simply follow the flows of Mother Nature and live our lives according to the current season we are in, we can more easily stay on top of our health.
Spring has arrived… so enjoy the newness in you!

Author: Carolyn Crews (YouVeda Wellness Contributor)