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Jatin Sherwani Forex Trading

How to Use Google Alerts to Monitor Your Portfolio?

Reading Time: 4 minutes However, research indicates that with the right alert strategy, financial institutions can effectively increase engagement, reduce exposure to fraud, and boost revenue. The timely delivery of actionable alerts has the potential to enhance digital banking engagement and establish financial institutions as trusted partners. In that article, we also explained how Google alerts can be a very powerful tool for monitoring …

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Jatin Sherwani Forex Trading

What is Scalping Trading? Definition & 5 Best Strategies

Reading Time: 4 minutes You don’t want to have open trades with tight stop losses at that time. When news is released the liquidity is quickly drained from the market, creating big slippages in the execution of your trades. Each time that you open a trade on broker A, you start with 1 pip of negative profit (-$10), because you are paying the spread. …

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Jatin Sherwani Forex Trading

Four Types of Forex FX Trend Indicators

Reading Time: 5 minutes Trades should be avoided at such extremes since both markets would have to reverse course in order for a long-term trade to work. The Commodity Channel Index is a market breadth indicator, used to identify whether upward or downward trends in commodity futures prices are more dominant on any given day. It’s calculated by subtracting the low from the high …

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Jatin Sherwani Forex Trading

Dziki Trener kupuje kolejne akcje mPay Czy notowania spółki odbiją?

Reading Time: 4 minutes ZdecydowaÅ‚em siÄ™ sam zainwestować w spółkÄ™, aby nastÄ™pnie jej pomóc zbudować rozpoznawalność z pozycji wspólnika – a nie wynajÄ™tej gadajÄ…cej gÅ‚owy. Co ważne, bÄ™dÄ™ też mógÅ‚ mieć wpÅ‚yw na samÄ… aplikacjÄ™ â€“ mówi Dziki Trener, który bÄ™dzie teraz popularyzowaÅ‚ wÅ›ród swoich fanów aplikacjÄ™ mPay. „Zawsze chcÄ™ być fair w stosunku do moich odbiorców, dostarczać im najlepsze produkty. ZdecydowaÅ‚em siÄ™ sam zainwestować w …