Reading Time: 4 minutes Pregnancy is a miraculous time in a woman’s life. Not only is she growing a whole new person, she’s also learning more about herself as she goes through the changes associated with this period. Luckily, Ayurvedic wisdom stemming back over 5,000 years has given us some helpful tips for how to use Ayurveda during pregnancy to ease the stress on …
Ayurveda for Kids
Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s no secret that there are many benefits to living an Ayurvedic lifestyle. From increased energy to greater balance and overall well being, this ancient practice has benefitted many adults. However, Ayurveda for kids can be just as beneficial, with the added bonus that starting your children with an Ayurvedic lifestyle can build healthy habits that will stick with them …
Five Ways to Stay Hydrated During the Summer (Besides Water)
Reading Time: 3 minutes What’s the secret to long-term health? Most of us would say regular exercise, eating right, sleeping on time, kicking off bad habits, etc. when asked this question. How many would even pause to think that a simple, no-fuss way to ensuring robust long-term health lies actually in hydration. Here are five ways to stay hydrated during the summer. Yes, staying …
Tips for Staying Healthy with Summer Workouts
Reading Time: 4 minutes Summer has finally arrived! With states opening back up and the weather turning warm, now is a great time to get back into your fitness routine. We’ve rounded up some tips for staying healthy with summer workouts such as running, cycling and swimming; that you can use to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle and wellness routine. Tips for Running in the …
Increase Your Vitality and Eliminate Toxins: Ojas and Amas
Reading Time: 3 minutes What makes you feel totally alive, radiate with feelings of pure joy, and feel total bliss? How incredible does it feel to have mental clarity, balanced emotions, and sustained energy throughout the day? Or maybe you easily deal with stress and disturbances, feeling an inner peace and calm? This article will teach you how to Increase your vitality and eliminate …
Balancing Kapha Dosha
Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you been feeling sluggish or heavy in your body lately? Maybe you’re feeling the struggle to get up and going in the morning, or coping with nagging allergies this time of year. You’re not alone! Kapha season is upon us. And especially as we roll into the end of Spring, many of us experience the effects of this cold, …
The Many Benefits of Turmeric & Curcumin for the Body
Reading Time: 3 minutes Turmeric is a spice that has received much interest from both the medical and scientific worlds, as well as from the culinary world. It is a plant in the ginger family, native to Southeast Asia and primarily grown in India. Its rhizome (underground stem) is used as a culinary spice and traditional medicine around the world. Historically, turmeric was used …

Struggling With Digestive Issues? Reiki May Help!
Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’ve had them, you know that digestive issues can seriously impact your quality of life! Today, millions of people are affected by problems with digestion. These include heartburn, ulcers, IBS, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain, or just generalized discomfort. Most likely you, or someone you know, is silently living with the discomfort of unhappy digestion. Read on to learn …
Mindset Matters – Create your own Adventure and Naturally Boost your Health
Reading Time: 3 minutes When unexpected events occur, such as the current pandemic, how do you choose or create your own adventure? How do you find balance, making the most out of your situation? In what ways can you create a mindset that ultimately supports your overall health, well-being, and immunity? how do you naturally boost your health ? Ayurvedic medicine is a science …
Maintaining the health of your joints
Reading Time: 4 minutes Pops, crackles, clicks, creaks – the sounds of your joints bubbling as you move may be absolutely harmless! However, as we (inevitably) age, it is important to continue moving our joints in their full motion. You know the saying – if you don’t use it, you lose it! Understand how Maintaining the health of your joints is easier than you …