Guided Yoga: Extended Triangle and Cow Pose

Guided YogaKnowledge Center
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two poses for today are Extended Triangle and Cow Pose

Extended Triangle and Cow Pose

Extended Triangle Pose

Extended Triangle pose stretches the legs, groins, hips, shoulders, chest, and spine, and strengthens the feet, ankles, and legs.


  • Stand facing the long side of your mat with your feet about a leg distance apart.
  • Turn your right foot out so your toes are pointing to the short edge of the mat and turn your left toes in, about 45 degrees. You are looking for stability through both legs.
  • Engage your legs and roll the right thigh out so the right knee is in line with the first two toes.
  • Lengthen through both sides of the waist, draw your lower belly in and up and lift your arms parallel to the floor.
  • Inhale as you reach to the right extending your body over your right leg, shifting your hips towards the back of the mat. Exhale as you bring your right arm down, placing your hand either on the leg, the floor or a block. Rotate your ribs towards the ceiling.
  • Point the left arm straight up to the ceiling, hand in line with your shoulder, palm facing forwards
  • Lengthen through the sides of the neck, keeping your neck in line with your spine. Look straight ahead, or tuck the chin slightly and turn to look up towards your left hand.
  • Keep your face relaxed and breathe gently as you keep pressing through the feet, extending through fingertips and crown of the head, and rotating your ribcage.
  • To come out press your feet firmly into the floor, inhale and reach your left arm up to the ceiling as you come back to standing straight.
  • Pivot your heels and repeat on the other side.


  • Strengthens the legs and back.
  • Stretches inner thighs, hamstrings, calves, spine, shoulders, chest, and opens hips.
  • Energizes, balances, and improves focus.
  • Stimulates abdominal organs.

Cow Pose

Cow pose stretches the front of the torso and throat area. Like Cat pose, it stimulates the wrists and spine.


  • Start from all fours – in a tabletop position. Your knees under your hips and wrists under your shoulders or slightly forwards of them.
  • Spread your fingers, root down through the base of the fingers, and press your fingers on the mat.
  • On an inhalation, lower the belly, lift your chest, tailbone pointing up, and lookup.
  • Exhale, come back into your neutral ‘tabletop’ position.


  • Stretches the front of the torso and neck.
  • Gently massages the spine, increasing mobility.
  • Great as a warm-up before class along with other spinal movements like Cat pose, side bends, and twists.

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