Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent. It relies on a holistic approach to health and well-being, taking into account an individual’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.
Ayurveda practitioners use various techniques to diagnose imbalances in the body, mind, and spirit, which can be the cause of disease.
One of the essential tools in an Ayurvedic practitioner’s arsenal is pulse diagnosis. This is a non-invasive technique whereby the practitioner feels the patient’s pulse at different points on the body to assess the health of the various systems.
The pulse can reveal information about the functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. It can also give clues about the state of the mind and emotions.

Precision in the Diagnosis of Diseases Based on Ayurveda
You’ve probably noticed that an Ayurvedic doctor holds the patient’s wrist for a more extended period. Then, an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner focuses on your pulse to assess your general health and specific medical issues.
Nadi Pariksha is an ayurvedic diagnostic method. The person who does Nadi Pariksha is called a Vaidya or Nadi Parikshak.
Ayurvedic Diagnosis Pulse Reading for the Doshas

Each of the three pulse readings recognized by Ayurveda may be felt uniquely by the practitioner, who would place his fingers on the wrist.
The index finger is the pulse for Vata Dosha. The Pitta pulse can be found under the middle finger, while the Kapha pulse is felt underneath the ring finger.
The Vata pulse is light, fast, and uneven in rhythm. The Pitta pulse is bouncier or more voluminous, with or without a regular rhythm. Finally, the Kapha pulse can be found deeper because it travels slowly but continuously beneath the fatty tissues.
Your Ayurvedic doctor may also take pulse readings in other body areas to get a clearer view of your health.
Pulse Reading Method
The patient’s hand should be unrestrained and relaxed while taking a pulse. It should be slightly bent at the forearm, allowing the physician’s right hand to readily slip over the radial artery on the wrist of the patient.
Timing of the Pulse Test
A person’s pulsations frequently change throughout the day. For example, the Kapha pulse is typically powerful in the morning, whereas the Pitta pulse is strong in the middle of the day. The Vata pulse, on the other hand, maybe most easily recognized late afternoon or evening.
Because of this, it’s critical to check your pulse reading at different times of the day for an accurate diagnosis of your medical issues. In addition, it provides a complete picture of your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, allowing the doctor to recommend a unique strategy for restoring wellness.
Empty Stomach for Testing
An empty stomach is required for a correct diagnosis with Nadi Pariksha. It may be done before breakfast or 3 to 4 hours after eating.
On an empty stomach, the body’s active metabolism and digestion are less likely to cause abnormalities in the pulse. This may assist the doctor in obtaining a more accurate pulse reading, allowing him to give you the best possible advice and recommendations regarding your health.
Nadi Pariksha is an ancient Ayurvedic method for determining physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances with great accuracy. For example, to determine the conditions in your system, nadi parikshak examines your pulse.
The Ayurvedic method of pulse reading is also one of the most fascinating ways to keep track of your mind, body, and soul’s interactions. Even before the symptoms appear, this Ayurvedic approach may assist in detecting disease processes.
The practitioner can identify the root cause of your health issues and treat the symptoms without taking blood samples or requiring you to have any imaging tests like x-rays or scans, thanks to this non-invasive technology.
This is why Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is more secure and effective than contemporary diagnostic technologies.