Reading Time: 3 minutes Head to Knee Forward Bend and Legs up the Wall Pose strengthen the leg muscles and loosen the joints of legs and arms. Try these poses with Guided Yoga Series from YouVeda.
Guided Yoga: High Lunge and Intense Side Stretch Pose
Reading Time: 2 minutes A high lunge is considered a dynamic pose whereas a low lunge is a beginner’s pose where the knee rests on the floor behind.
The intense side stretch pose helps with mobility in the hip flexors and the feet.
Guided Yoga: Revolved Extended Side Angle and Salutation Seal Poses
Reading Time: 2 minutes Revolved Side Angle stretches, tones, and strengthens the entire body, inside and out. It stretches the thighs, knees, ankles, calves, groins, chest, and shoulders. This pose builds strength in the legs, as well, particularly in the quadriceps and ankles.
This Salutation Seal pose, also known as Anjali Mudra, is an excellent way to encourage a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice by sitting for 5 minutes. This hand position can also be used as you are standing prior to beginning the Sun Salutation sequence.
Guided Yoga: Staff Pose and Sphinx Pose
Reading Time: < 1 minute Dandasana is the basic plank posture. The name comes from the Sanskrit word danda which means “stick” or “staff” and asana which means “posture” or “seat.”
Sphinx Pose is a gentle back bending posture that can be practiced either actively or passively.
Guided Yoga: Standing Forward Bend and Upward Facing Dog
Reading Time: 2 minutes Standing Forward Bend will wake up your hamstrings and soothe your mind.
The upward-facing dog is a back-bending yoga posture that strengthens the arms, wrists, and spine. It also stretches the back and relieves the body of lower backache.
Guided Yoga: Upward Salute and Tree Pose
Reading Time: 3 minutes Upward Salute is a natural way to stretch the whole body, often done automatically after sleeping or sitting for long periods. Standing up and reaching the arms overhead awakens the body from toes to fingertips, providing a boost of energy. It’s a simple way to feel rejuvenated!
The Tree Pose replicates the graceful, steady stance of a tree. Unlike most yoga poses, the Tree Pose requires keeping our eyes open in order to maintain body balance.
Guided Yoga: Warrior 1 Variation and Reverse Warrior
Reading Time: 2 minutes Warrior 1 Variation and Reverse Warrior helps with mobility in the hips and stretches the inner thighs. Try these poses with Guided Yoga from YouVeda
Guided Yoga: Wide-legged Forward Bend and Seated Forward Bend
Reading Time: 2 minutes Two poses for today are Wide-legged Forward Bend and Seated Forward Bend Wide-legged Forward Bend and Seated Forward Bend Wide-legged Forward Bend and Seated Forward Bend provide a stretch for the entire backside of the body from the heels to the neck. Try with Guided Yoga. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend is a calming forward bend that …
Guided Yoga: Bridge Pose and Warrior 3 Pose
Reading Time: 2 minutes Two poses for today are Bridge Pose and Warrior 3 Pose Bridge Pose and Warrior 3 Pose Bridge Pose This asana’s name is a very accurate description of the posture: Setu translates to “bridge”, and bandha to “joining”. Partial inversion and partial backbend, Setubandhasana is a unique combination of two of the main asana categories. As simple as this pose …
Guided Yoga: Downward Dog Flow Yoga Pose
Reading Time: 2 minutes Downward Dog Flow Yoga Pose is a simple sequence of yoga postures that can be practiced as part of a physical yoga routine.