Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Creamy Skillet Salmon

Reading Time: < 1 minute Healthy, easy and delicious step by step recipes to try on breakfast, lunch on the go, afternoon snack or dinner time!

Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Choco Coco Balls

Reading Time: < 1 minute Healthy, easy and delicious step by step recipes to try at breakfast, lunch on the go, afternoon snack or dinner time!

Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Cinnamon Bananas

Reading Time: < 1 minute Healthy, easy and delicious step by step recipes to try at breakfast, lunch on the go, afternoon snack or dinner time!

YouVeda 5 Minute Meditation Series

Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

Time Breathing

Reading Time: < 1 minute A YouVeda’s guided meditation technique that will help you be deep in your inhales and lengthen your exhales.

YouVeda 5 Minute Meditation Series

Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

Charging Your Body

Reading Time: < 1 minute A YouVeda’s meditation technique to help you form a deeper connection with your body. Treating it and cherishing it as a sacred temple.

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Pitta

Your Essential Guide To Pitta Dosha

Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you have an excellent digestion and a radiant complexion? Do you get sound sleep and have a strong sex drive? If the answer to these questions is yes, then your dominant dosha is pitta. In Ayurveda, pitta dosha governs heat, metabolism and transformation in the body. It not only controls the way we digest food but also helps maintain …