new moon in october

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides, Yoga & Meditation

The New Moon Phase in October and How to Approach it

Reading Time: 4 minutes New Moon in Libra occurs on Friday October 16, 2020. In this article we share what the New Moon in Libra mean, what the New Moon brings and practices that will help simply align yourself with this moon cycle. New Moon In Libra Libra is represented by the scales and ruled by Venus, Libra’s soul mission is rooted in partnership …

nostril breathing

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Essential Oils, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle

Breathing the Stress Away with Nadi Sodhana: Alternate Nostril Breathing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Breathwork has become one of the most transformational tools that I have found to deal with tough times, bring in big ideas, and connect to my truth and inner guidance. To be honest, this work has been one of the most impactful experiences in my life. We all live with stress… And as much as we dream about a life …

immunity for season changes

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Immunity, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

5 Ways to Support Your Immunity in Times of Season Change

Reading Time: 2 minutes Fall is the perfect time to boost your immune system. The season is changing and we can learn to create a balance with these 5 simple ways to support your Immunity from home. 1. Getting out in nature. Exercise releases endorphins, our happy chemicals, which lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is your stress hormone and it lowers immune system function. Simple …

vata balance

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Vata, Vata Dosa

How To Change Your Life Holistically – Finding Vata Balance

Reading Time: 5 minutes My name is Honor and this is my story about how Ayureda changed my life and I found Vata balance. I have flashbacks of lying on my bed, in immense pain, holding a red hot water bottle to my stomach, and wondering, “What the heck is wrong with me?” I couldn’t eat – it was like my gut had completely …

peace of mind

Ferd Sual Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Mood

Peace of Mind is Not a Luxury

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I heard the news about prominent Bollywood actor Sushan Singh Tajput committed suicide at a very young age of 34 it was shocking because he had such a successful career. It got me to think about how peace of mind is not a luxury. 3 Things You can do daily to achieve Peace of Mind Protect your energy and Your …

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Grounding with the Root Chakra – Feel grounded and stable

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is a Chakra? A chakra is a wheel of energy, originating from ancient Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism traditions. Over time, the chakras got narrowed down to seven vital energy centres. Each chakra develops during childhood, from birth to about seven years old. Different colors, foods, smells, personality traits, and experiences correlate with each chakra. The first chakra, the Muladhara …

ayurvedic tips

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Lifestyle

10 Ayurvedic Tips That Will Change Your Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes With over 5,000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom to draw on, it can sometimes be hard to know if you’re making the most of your Ayurvedic lifestyle. Beyond diet, Ayurvedic wisdom includes guidance for when and how to exercise, how to start your day and even when you should go to sleep each night. We’ve rounded up these 10 tips for …

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Jatin Sherwani IT Вакансії

Вакансія: Middle, Senior Python Backend Developer, 150 000 200 000 грн, компанія Фінколлект Україна, робота дистанційно

Reading Time: 2 minutes Запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої middle python developer команди Python-розробника на рівні mid-senior, який відповідає Вашому досвіду згідно з резюме. Neural Dynamics – молода IT-компанія, що займається розробкою продуктів на outsource. Наша спеціалізація — це створення високонавантажених сервісів, CRM/ERP-систем, систем-адміністрування для клієнтів зі США та Європи. Запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої команди Python-розробника на рівні mid-senior, який відповідає Вашому досвіду згідно з …


Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Body, Digestion, Doshas, Herbs, Knowledge Center

The “Secret” to Digestive Health: Benefits of Triphala

Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to optimizing our digestion and overall health , it can be both exciting and comforting to find new “secrets” that have been used for thousands of years to restore our health. Triphala was that “find” for me. And even though I wasn’t certain how to pronounce it at first, I was relieved to finally discover a natural …

restore energy

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Restore Your Energy and Look as Great as You Feel

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s nothing normal about living through a pandemic, especially when that means spending so much time isolating at home. Maybe that’s why so many of us don’t feel like our usual selves these days. Maybe you feel like your outward appearance doesn’t match what’s on the inside, or maybe your physical and emotional health could use improvements too. It’s only …