Reading Time: 2 minutes The Skull Shining Breath or Kapalabhati is a pranayama technique that can help release toxins. It particularly cleanses the air passageways in the body. This breathing technique is one of the internal purification methods in Hatha Yoga. Nevertheless, mind detox is also possible with the regular practice of this pranayama.
Guided Yoga: Reclining Twist and Bound angle pose
Reading Time: 3 minutes The Reclining Twist Yoga Pose tones the spinal column and removes stiffness of the spine and shoulders. It also helps stimulate the large intestines and elimination. Reclining Twist Yoga is a great pose to take after a long-standing asana practice and back extensions.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose is a deeply relaxing yoga position that is recommended for students of all levels.
Guided Yoga: Calm Heart Meditation
Reading Time: 2 minutes Practice this Kundalini Meditation- Calm Heart Meditation- to relieve yourself of anxiety, strengthen your immune system, open your heart, and bring clarity to your relationships. This meditation brings great stillness to the heart center and gives you space to perceive and assess your relationships.
Guided Yoga: Channel Cleaning Breath
Reading Time: < 1 minute Nadi Shodhana commonly referred to as alternate nostril breathing, is a simple but highly effective practice that cultivates a feeling of centered calm in the mind and body. It is clinically shown to have a beneficial effect on several cardiovascular parameters, harmonize the hemispheres of the brain, as well as the nervous system.
Guided Yoga: Cobra and Corpse Poses
Reading Time: 3 minutes Cobra Pose resembles a serpent with its hood raised.
The Corpse pose gets its name from the recumbent posture of a dead body. It is a position of rest, and is usually practiced towards the end of a yoga session – a session that typically begins with activity and ends in rest; a space or pause when deep healing can take place.
Guided Yoga: Cow Face and Dolphin Plank Poses
Reading Time: 2 minutes Dolphin Plank Pose is an intermediate level rejuvenating yoga posture that helps tones the abdominal muscles. It is a variation of the Dolphin Pose.
A seated yoga posture, Gomukhasana can be performed along with a set of different seated asanas. It helps stretch the arms, triceps, shoulders, and chest. Requiring the practitioner to sit erectly, it also enhances one’s posture.
Guided Yoga: Salutation Seal and Extended Puppy Poses
Reading Time: 2 minutes Two poses for today are Salutation Seal and Extended Puppy Poses Salutation Seal and Extended Puppy Poses Salutation Seal Yoga Pose This Salutation Seal pose, also known as Anjali Mudra, is an excellent way to encourage a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice by sitting for 5 minutes. This hand position can also be used as you are standing …
Guided Yoga: Extended Side Angle and Fish Poses
Reading Time: 3 minutes Extended Side Angle Pose — Utthita Parsvakonasana — is a standing yoga pose that utilizes all of the muscles in the body. There are several variations of the pose to accommodate various levels of flexibility. It’s usually simply referred to as “Parsvakonasana,” or “Side Angle Pose.”
The fish pose, if carried out in the water, allows the body to float quite easily like that of a fish; hence the name.
Guided Yoga: Four limbed Staff and Full Boat Poses
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Four Limbed Staff pose is frequently practiced as part of the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation pose.
Full Boat Pose is a balance-oriented yoga pose that strengthens the core and hip flexors. This pose also helps stretch the hamstrings and spine, as well as stimulate the thyroid and kidneys.
Guided Yoga: Upward Abdominal Lock and Half lord of fishes Poses
Reading Time: 2 minutes Uddiyana Bandha is practiced by pulling the abdomen inwards after exhalation and holding the breath outside. The abdominal muscles press the organs in the abdomen against the wall behind the organ, next to the spinal column.
Half Lord of the Fishes pose energizes the spine and stimulates the digestive fire.