Reading Time: 4 minutes Scorpio is the zodiacal sign of mystery and magic. This year, the sun transitioned into this fixed water sign from October 22, 2020 through November 21, 2020. The astrological signs mirror the elements of earth, water, fire and air. In this article we will explore our “waters” and practices to honor the New Moon in Scorpio that will be arriving …
Yoga for the Doshas
Reading Time: 4 minutes In Ayurvedic medicine, there are three doshas or energies, that run the human body and mind efficiently. Each dosha correlates with physical, physiological and psychological elements. A person’s bodily dosha and mental dosha may be different, and it changes throughout our lifetime. Ideally, all three doshas are balanced and active. However, as life works, one dosha often dominates the other …
The different kinds of Indigestion and How to Manage It
Reading Time: 3 minutes You might as well have swallowed a cinder block. That mystery meat sandwich from the cafeteria is sitting in your stomach like a ten-pound hunk of marble, refusing to be digested, refusing to move along, and leaving you with a bellyful of discomfort. The key question – how to manage indigestion does not have one decisive answer – we discuss …
Sound Therapy | Music to Your Ears | Health to Your Body
Reading Time: 4 minutes Close your eyes for a minute and listen to the world around you. What do you hear? Car horns, people, blaring stereos? Or gentle raindrops, laughing children, and the soothing strings of a symphony orchestra? It may make a difference. Sound therapists say that what you hear can help or hurt your health. Sound can relax you when applied the …
All About Adrenals- Take charge of your Energy & Stress
Reading Time: 3 minutes The two adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys, play a significant role when it comes to energy levels and stress. You must admit — energy and stress considerably affect our daily lives! What are the Adrenal Glands? The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system, a messaging structure in our bodies that communicate through hormones. When …
Health Benefits of Turmeric
Reading Time: 4 minutes Known as the “Queen of Spices,” turmeric wears its golden color as a signifier of all the good it can do for us. This ancient herb has been used in Ayurvedic practice for around 4,000 years and is now the subject of numerous modern-day research studies. Turmeric has many health benefits, used to treat everything from colds and joint pain …
The New Moon Phase in October and How to Approach it
Reading Time: 4 minutes New Moon in Libra occurs on Friday October 16, 2020. In this article we share what the New Moon in Libra mean, what the New Moon brings and practices that will help simply align yourself with this moon cycle. New Moon In Libra Libra is represented by the scales and ruled by Venus, Libra’s soul mission is rooted in partnership …
Breathing the Stress Away with Nadi Sodhana: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Reading Time: 3 minutes Breathwork has become one of the most transformational tools that I have found to deal with tough times, bring in big ideas, and connect to my truth and inner guidance. To be honest, this work has been one of the most impactful experiences in my life. We all live with stress… And as much as we dream about a life …
5 Ways to Support Your Immunity in Times of Season Change
Reading Time: 2 minutes Fall is the perfect time to boost your immune system. The season is changing and we can learn to create a balance with these 5 simple ways to support your Immunity from home. 1. Getting out in nature. Exercise releases endorphins, our happy chemicals, which lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is your stress hormone and it lowers immune system function. Simple …
How To Change Your Life Holistically – Finding Vata Balance
Reading Time: 5 minutes My name is Honor and this is my story about how Ayureda changed my life and I found Vata balance. I have flashbacks of lying on my bed, in immense pain, holding a red hot water bottle to my stomach, and wondering, “What the heck is wrong with me?” I couldn’t eat – it was like my gut had completely …