Warrior 1 Pose

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Guided Yoga- Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 Poses

Reading Time: 3 minutes Today’s Poses: Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 Poses Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 Poses Warrior 1 Pose Virabhadra’s Pose is also known as the Warrior Pose (there are three variations of Warrior, of which this is customarily numbered I). It may seem strange to name a yoga pose after a warrior; after all, aren’t yogis known for their non-violent ways? …

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Guided Yoga – Extended Side Angle and Intense Side Stretch Pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Extended Side Angle Pose is a standing yoga pose that utilizes all of the muscles in the body.  There are several variations of the pose to accommodate various levels of flexibility.

From lengthening the spine to stretching the legs to calming the mind, there’s a little bit of everything in this pose and is helpful for finding balance and stimulating digestion.

Seated Forward Bend

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Guided Yoga – Seated Forward Bend and Standing Forward Bend

Reading Time: 2 minutes Seated Forward Bend is a classic pose from Hatha yoga. It gives the whole back of your body a good stretch, from your calves to your hamstrings (back of the thighs) to your spine.

Standing Forward Bend stretches and lengthens the hamstrings and calves. It is common to have tight hamstrings if you run or play a sport that involves lots of running. It is regarded as a relaxing and stress-relieving pose. Traditionally, it is said to help relieve insomnia.

Supported Shoulder Stand and Upward Abdominal Lock Pose

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Guided Yoga – Supported Shoulder Stand and Upward Abdominal Lock Pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Although there are other ways to enter Shoulderstand, coming from Plow Pose (Halasana) offers the best way for beginners to get their shoulders and back into alignment.

Uddiyana Bandha is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Uddiyana(upward) and bandha (binding or lock or attachment to this world). It is called Upward Abdominal Lock in English.

Seated Heart Opener

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Guided Yoga – Seated Heart Opener and Spinal Twist

Reading Time: 2 minutes Vajrasana (seated heart opener) yoga pose will open up your chest, shoulders, and abs. This increases the flexibility in your spine so that you will always feel refreshed and full of energy.

Seated Spinal Twist is a restorative yoga pose that promotes good digestion and encourages spinal mobility.

Seated Staff and Cat Poses

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Guided Yoga: Seated Staff and Cat Poses

Reading Time: 2 minutes Seated Staff and Cat Poses strengthen the shoulders, upper back, chest, and abdomen. They also improve alignment. Learn about theses poses with YouVeda’s Guided Yoga. Seated Staff and Cat Poses Seated Staff Pose Seated Staff Pose might look easy, but it’s an intense strength-builder for the upper back, chest, and abdomen. This pose is the foundational posture for all seated …

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Guided Yoga: Upward Salute and Big Toe Poses

Reading Time: 3 minutes Upward Salute is a natural way to stretch the whole body, often done automatically after sleeping or sitting for long periods. Standing up and reaching the arms overhead awakens the body from toes to fingertips, providing a boost of energy. It’s a simple way to feel rejuvenated!

The Big Toe Pose is done while standing. The pose is very good for stretching many muscles of the body and ideal for people with flat feet.