Reading Time: 3 minutes Did you know that spices are incredibly healing? In Ayurveda, spices and herbs are viewed as medicine. Some of the benefits include stimulating the digestive fire, speeding up metabolism, and bringing a warming effect to the body which helps to break down food easier! Spices allow us endless opportunities to nurture our health from the inside out, enjoying all of …
Increase Your Vitality and Eliminate Toxins: Ojas and Amas
Reading Time: 3 minutes What makes you feel totally alive, radiate with feelings of pure joy, and feel total bliss? How incredible does it feel to have mental clarity, balanced emotions, and sustained energy throughout the day? Or maybe you easily deal with stress and disturbances, feeling an inner peace and calm? This article will teach you how to Increase your vitality and eliminate …
How to Transform Your Life Through Gratitude
Reading Time: 6 minutes The power of gratitude can transform lives for example Ellen Newhouse’s childhood was shaped by a charming yet abusive father, and a mentally ill mother who not only didn’t stick up for her, but told her she didn’t love her. Phil Greenblatt was immobilized for three years with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and emotionally scarred by a subsequent traumatic divorce. Lisa Files survived …
The Practice of Pranayama- Breathe Your Way to Stress Relief
Reading Time: 4 minutes Think back on your day for a moment – when was the last time you took a deep, slow, belly breath? When you woke up? Before sitting down for that beautiful and nourishing lunch of yours? With your afternoon coffee or tea? Was there space at all for a deep breath in your day? Join the author here and pause …
Finding Your Meditation Style
Reading Time: 5 minutes When you hear the word meditation, your mind might summon images of ancient sages and rishis sitting in lotus pose, legs crossed, hands in mudra, eyes closed in seemingly perfect concentration and connection to the divine. You might then think ‘this is not for me,’ ‘how the heck am I supposed to concentrate like that?’ or perhaps ‘that just won’t …
Balancing Kapha Dosha
Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you been feeling sluggish or heavy in your body lately? Maybe you’re feeling the struggle to get up and going in the morning, or coping with nagging allergies this time of year. You’re not alone! Kapha season is upon us. And especially as we roll into the end of Spring, many of us experience the effects of this cold, …
Fighting Burnout with Ayurveda
Reading Time: 5 minutes Burnout is a real thing. More and more people are dealing with feelings of extreme stress, anxiety and feeling like a candle burning at both ends. Our modern world demands that we have a “busy” lifestyle. It’s almost like a badge of honor, a sign of success, to be so busy, but it takes a real toll on our mind …
Self-Healing through Touch: Nourishing Yourself with Abhyanga
Reading Time: 4 minutes When was the last time you felt that blissful glow from a massage? Your muscles relaxed, your mind at ease, and skin nourished by being touched. In Ayurveda, it is suggested you receive this daily. Yet over the past year, we have grown used to social isolation, lacking in touch and sensory experiences. The practice of Abhyanga, self-oil massage is …
3 Ways to Keep Your Joints Healthy and Young
Reading Time: 4 minutes Two things most, if not all, indigenous civilizations have in common is a lifestyle that is rooted in movement, and a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory super foods. Picture tribes of the Amazon, traveling the Amazon River, navigating the rain forests; ancient civilizations in the fertile crescent, squatting in the fields as they farmed and worked the land; Oriental …
3 Essential Oils that Will Calm Your Digestive System
Reading Time: 3 minutes If you value health and wellness, you probably know that keeping your gut in good condition is critical to your overall wellbeing. If your gut flora is out of whack, it not only affects your digestive system, but also your immune function, cognitive abilities, and emotional health. Beyond eating a nutritious diet high in fiber, you can find other holistic …