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Beating Sugar – How To detox from sugar

Reading Time: 9 minutes When I found out my husband was a Faithless Bastard after three decades of marriage, it was sugar, beautiful sugar, that pulled me through. I felt sad all the time, but an entire container of Talenti gelato made me feel instantly better and conveniently replaced my need for love and sex. “You deserve this,” it comforted me. I could feel …

Test Do not deliver Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga – Wide-Legged Forward Bend and Wild Thing Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend is a calming forward bend that stretches the hamstrings and back. There are several arm variations and other modifications available, making this a suitable pose for yoga students of all levels!

Wide-Legged Forward  Bend and Wild Thing Yoga Pose provide you a new level of energy. Experience a new you with YouVeda’s Guided Yoga Series.

Salutation Seal and Locus Yoga Pose

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Guided Yoga – Salutation Seal and Locust Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes This Salutation Seal pose, also known as Anjali Mudra, is an excellent way to encourage a meditative state of awareness. Start your practice by sitting for 5 minutes. This hand position can also be used as you are standing prior to beginning the Sun Salutation sequence.

Salabhasana or Locust Pose effectively preps beginners for deeper backbends, strengthening the back of the torso, legs, and arms.

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Guided Yoga – Bharadwaja’s Twist and Bridge Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Bharadvaja’s twist is a seated spinal twist pose and hip opener named after the Hindu guru, Bharadvaja.

This posture has several variations, but the most basic begins in staff pose. The weight is then shifted to the right buttock and the knees bend while the legs drop to the left. The left inner ankle should rest in the arch of the right foot. For the twist portion of the pose, the upper body turns to the right as the right hand is placed on the floor behind the body and the left-hand rests palm up on the outer right thigh.

Camel and Chair Yoga Pose

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Guided Yoga – Camel and Chair Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Camel Pose is a backbend that stretches the whole front of the body. It is performed on the knees and is often used as preparation for deeper backbends.
Sitting in a chair may sound very easy and comfortable. But sitting in an imaginary chair might be a little challenging! And this is exactly what we do in Utkatasana or Chair Pose. The literal meaning of Utkatasana is an intense posture or a powerful posture.

Cat-Cow Yoga Pose

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Guided Yoga – Cat Cow Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Cat-Cow Pose is a gentle flow between two poses that warms the body and brings flexibility to the spine. It stretches the back torso and neck, and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs. It also opens the chest, encouraging the breath to become slow and deep. The spinal movement of the two poses stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands. Coordinating this movement with your breathing relieves stress and calms the mind.

Half Moon and Fish Yoga Pose

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Guided Yoga – Half Moon and Fish Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Half Moon Pose strengthens the thighs, ankles, abdomen, and buttocks. It opens the chest, shoulders, and torso, while lengthening the spine. This pose also effectively stretches the groins, hamstrings, and calves. As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance.