Reading Time: 2 minutes When I heard the news about prominent Bollywood actor Sushan Singh Tajput committed suicide at a very young age of 34 it was shocking because he had such a successful career. It got me to think about how peace of mind is not a luxury. 3 Things You can do daily to achieve Peace of Mind Protect your energy and Your …
Grounding with the Root Chakra – Feel grounded and stable
Reading Time: 4 minutes What is a Chakra? A chakra is a wheel of energy, originating from ancient Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism traditions. Over time, the chakras got narrowed down to seven vital energy centres. Each chakra develops during childhood, from birth to about seven years old. Different colors, foods, smells, personality traits, and experiences correlate with each chakra. The first chakra, the Muladhara …
10 Ayurvedic Tips That Will Change Your Life
Reading Time: 4 minutes With over 5,000 years of Ayurvedic wisdom to draw on, it can sometimes be hard to know if you’re making the most of your Ayurvedic lifestyle. Beyond diet, Ayurvedic wisdom includes guidance for when and how to exercise, how to start your day and even when you should go to sleep each night. We’ve rounded up these 10 tips for …

Вакансія: Middle, Senior Python Backend Developer, 150 000 200 000 грн, компанія Фінколлект Україна, робота дистанційно
Reading Time: 2 minutes Запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої middle python developer команди Python-розробника на рівні mid-senior, який відповідає Вашому досвіду згідно з резюме. Neural Dynamics – молода IT-компанія, що займається розробкою продуктів на outsource. Наша спеціалізація — це створення високонавантажених сервісів, CRM/ERP-систем, систем-адміністрування для клієнтів зі США та Європи. Запрошуємо приєднатися до нашої команди Python-розробника на рівні mid-senior, який відповідає Вашому досвіду згідно з …
The “Secret” to Digestive Health: Benefits of Triphala
Reading Time: 3 minutes When it comes to optimizing our digestion and overall health , it can be both exciting and comforting to find new “secrets” that have been used for thousands of years to restore our health. Triphala was that “find” for me. And even though I wasn’t certain how to pronounce it at first, I was relieved to finally discover a natural …
Restore Your Energy and Look as Great as You Feel
Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s nothing normal about living through a pandemic, especially when that means spending so much time isolating at home. Maybe that’s why so many of us don’t feel like our usual selves these days. Maybe you feel like your outward appearance doesn’t match what’s on the inside, or maybe your physical and emotional health could use improvements too. It’s only …
Ayurveda: Taking Care of Yourself During COVID-19 Webinar
Reading Time: < 1 minute Join our CEO, Gunny Sodhi on a live webinar he did with the US India Chamber of Commerce talking about the importance of Ayurveda during Covid. Gunny was joined by other Ayurvedic practitioners such as Meenakshi Gupta of AyurRoots, Gauri Junnarkar of AyurNutrition, Sapna Punjabi-Gupta of beSPICED. The following was discussed:1) How Ayurveda views what is going on with Covid? …

Вакансия «Senior Software Engineer C++», удаленно, работа в компании «Exness» Хабр Карьера
Reading Time: < 1 minute Наша архитектура строится на k8s, PostgreSQL, топ платформ для трейдинга 2024 Redis, Kafka, REST или gRPC в качестве альтернативы. Мы используем подход GitOps через Gitlab CI, а также покрываем все автоматизированными интеграционными тестами. Часть https://roboforex|exness|tickmill|amarkets|fxpro|pocket option|octafx|forex club|forex4you|instaforex|ic markets|npbfx|xm group|gerchik & наших команд работают с ClickHouse, MongoDB, React и Flink. Основные языки — Python и Go, при этом в ядре …
The Scent of Relief! Uplifting Essential Oils to Naturally Boost Your Mood
Reading Time: 3 minutes Essential oils are powerful — simply smelling a scent has the power to immediately spark an emotion or a vivid memory. The moment a scent hits your nose, the aromas automatically signal your mind and body and to relax, feel uplifted, and regain balance. The Scent of Relief! As the oils touch the skin, they are immediately absorbed, providing natural …
Covid-19: How to Care for Yourself in Times of Isolation
Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s no doubt it’s been a strange few months. With Covid-19 How to care for yourself in times of isolation is more important than ever. Establish wellness practices that will serve and support you in these trying times. Self-care in isolation is particularly important, and there’s no “right” way to practice it. However, there are a few wellness techniques and …