covid 19 flu

María Elena De Paula Daily Routines, Immunity, Knowledge Center, Seasonal Guides

Preventing Colds & Flu – An Ayurvedic Perspective

Reading Time: 4 minutes Everyone has respiratory infections. Statistics show that an average adult can expect to get two to three colds per year. When the body is invaded by disease, the immune system makes every effort to destroy both the germs and the infected cells. Because we are surrounded by bacteria and viruses constantly, even when we are healthy, these impurities can’t be …


Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Immunity, Lifestyle, Product Articles

3 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Immune System

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Immune system is the body’s first line of defense against the external environment. While there are several types of immunity, the basic tenet of Ayurveda states that immunity is based on inherited and acquired reserve. This is called ‘vyadhi-kshmatva’ or ‘self-avoidance of disease.’ According to the text in Chakrapannidatta: This force is ‘a strength within all of us that …


Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Knowledge Center, Mood

Ayurveda & Reiki: A Combined Path to Healing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever noticed that when you care for your physical body, eating and sleeping well, exercising regularly, and breathing deeply, you begin to think clearer, feel happier, become more intuitive, and make better life decisions? Or maybe you have witnessed the flip-side… unhealthy behaviors ripple through to emotions, affecting energy levels, thoughts, actions, and, ultimately, your physical health. In this …

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Jatin Sherwani Sober Living

2C-B-FLY: Is It The Best Psychedelic For Arousal & Sexual Intimacy?

Reading Time: 4 minutes After that, it takes about 3 days for the tolerance to be reduced to half and 7 days to be back at baseline (in the absence of further consumption). 2C-B-FLY presents cross-tolerance with all psychedelics, meaning that after the consumption of 2C-B-FLY all psychedelics will have a reduced effect. 2C-B-FLY is unscheduled and uncontrolled in the United States, but possession …


Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Digestion, Lifestyle, Product Articles

Is Your Gut Causing Skin Problems?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Cleanse, tone, moisturize. We’ve been taught this essential 3-step skincare routine all our lives. And it’s really the foundation of healthy skin. What if you’re doing everything right when it comes to what you put on your skin and you still wake up every morning only to see dull, worn-out skin with congestion? Is Your Gut Causing Skin Problems? If …

Kelly Driscoll Immunity, Lifestyle, Mood, Product Articles

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Reading Time: 4 minutes A common thought is… “How am I going to stay healthy on my vacation?” That question is more common than you’d think. I’m a big fan of countries like Indonesia and India and keeping healthy is extremely important over there. In this article, we discuss how to stay healthy while traveling? While traveling, you are exposed to many new bugs …

Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Joints, Lifestyle, Mood, Product Articles

Why Are So Many People Going Gluten-Free?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Recently you may have noticed more people you know have gone gluten-free. You have a friend with celiac disease who avoids gluten because they get really, really sick when a crumb is near them. You also have a friend who avoids bread and pasta because, well, it just makes her feel better not eating them! Should you consider giving up …

Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Digestion, Lifestyle, Product Articles

How a Healthy Gut Can Save You from Candida Overgrowth

Reading Time: 3 minutes You may have heard that “you are what you eat” and “you are what you digest and absorb.” While both of these offer truth — like the food we eat is transformed into energy to function, to rebuild and regenerate cells and tissues, and to fuel the brain — it’s not the whole story. Our body comprises of more than …

lift your mood

Kelly Driscoll Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Mood, Product Articles

Lift and Shift Your Mood with 5 Easy Steps

Reading Time: 4 minutes At the turn of the seasons, we may sometimes feel ‘off’. As the shift from winter to spring occurs, we can again witness the universe within us, as our own shifts begin to unfold. During these times of transition and change, it can be useful to practice rituals to nourish our state of being and our mood. Springtime naturally brings …

Kelly Driscoll Podcast

Ancient Ayurveda in a Modern World?

Reading Time: < 1 minute Episode 68 of the Mother Loving Future Podcast features YouVeda founder Gunny Sodhi chatting about how ancient Ayurvedic principles can apply to our modern lifestyles. Listen on iTunes