How Is Ayurveda Connected to Veganism?

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Herbs, Lifestyle, Yoga & Meditation

How Is Ayurveda Connected to Veganism?

Reading Time: 7 minutes BY RUDRI PATEL written for Although it’s now easy to accept veganism as a mainstream diet and lifestyle, the concept began several centuries ago in the East. Veganism and spirituality have a long, symbiotic history. Respect for animals and the earth are rooted in many Eastern religions, and the modern plant-based diets of today owe their origins to a rich cultural history …

benefits of saffron

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Herbs, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Mood

Benefits of Saffron and Incorporating it into your Routine

Reading Time: 3 minutes Famously the most expensive spice in the world, saffron is certainly worth its weight in gold. This illustrious, golden-red spice comes from the stigma of the saffron crocus, and it can take thousands of flowers to produce a single pound of saffron. But beyond its pricey reputation, the benefits of saffron are numerous, and it has traditionally been used as …

How to Improve Fertility with Ayurveda

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

How to Improve Fertility with Ayurveda

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ayurveda and Fertility According to Ayurveda, there are four primary factors of fertility – bija (the seed), nutrition (ambu), the field (kshetra), and timing (rtu). Out of these four, bija is the most crucial. It refers to the reproductive tissues (sperms, ova, and secretions from supporting organs like the prostate glands, etc.) Ayurveda defines seven dhatus or tissue structures. The …

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Kapha, Pitta, Seasonal Guides, Vata

Ayurveda For Skin Imbalances

Reading Time: 4 minutes Many of us have experienced the frustration of skin irritation, whether mild or severe. In this article we will talk about Ayurveda for skin. Ayurveda explains these irritations as having an imbalance in the doshas. Ayurveda is a medical system from ancient India. It is based on the idea that health comes from a balance between three doshas or body …

ultimate guide eating in-season

Kelly Driscoll Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY, Seasonal Guides

The Ultimate Autumn Guide To Eating In-Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes Summertime is abundant with fresh, flavorful in-season produce. The grocery store seems to be brimming with tempting watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, arugula and zucchini. As the temperatures cool, you may be wondering what seasonal produce you can fill your plate with. In this article, “The Ultimate Autumn Guide To Eating In-Season” we focus on the importance of eating in-season produce. Why …

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Lifestyle, Vata, Vata Dosa, Yoga & Meditation

Fall Yoga to Balance Vata Dosha

Reading Time: 4 minutes Swirling leaves, animals foraging to prepare for cooler months ahead, children laughing, running, and jumping into piles of fallen leaf litter – these are the images of autumn, the most Vata time of year. In Sanskrit, the root of the word ‘Vata’ means ‘to move’. This time of year summons images that reflect this movement through principles of mobility and …

ayurveda and energy

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides, Yoga & Meditation

Ayurveda & Energy Work: A Combined Path to Healing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Achieving ultimate wellness, life-fulfillment, and happiness include healing through the multiple layers of the mind, body, and soul and this can be achieved through energy work.   Have you ever noticed that when you care for your physical body; eating and sleeping well, exercising regularly, and breathing deeply, you begin to think clearer, feel happier, become more intuitive, and make …

pacifying vata

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Doshas, Mood, Vata, Vata Dosa

How To Pacify Vata in the Fall Season

Reading Time: 3 minutes Fall is known as the Vata season. As the temperatures begin to cool, we see the leaves begin to dry and fall off the trees, the winds can pick up leaving us chilled and the weather itself feels erratic from cloudy to sunny within hours. We discuss how to pacify Vata in the fall season. The properties of Vata dosha …

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Kapha, Knowledge Center, Pitta, Vata

Reaching Optimal Health: Ayurveda Philosophy & its Elements

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ayurvedic medicine recognizes that health is more than simply the absence of disease.  Unlike modern Western medicine, it works to prevent and cure disease as well as to enable people to achieve and maintain ideal mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.  It calls upon each individual’s inherent powers of rejuvenation  and emphasizes that a person must take an active role …


Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Fall Detox Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the leaves begin to change color and the wind takes on a chilly edge, it’s easy to see that the seasons are changing. Just as the seasons change, so too, do our bodies and constitutions. Spring and fall in particular are known for being transitional periods, as we shift from cooler to warmer weather and vice versa. In the …