Channel Breathing

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Channel Breathing and Bound Angle Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Nadi Shodhana commonly referred to as alternate nostril breathing, is a simple but highly effective practice that cultivates a feeling of centered calm in the mind and body. It is clinically shown to have a beneficial effect on several cardiovascular parameters, harmonize the hemispheres of the brain, as well as the nervous system.

The Bound Angle Pose is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. It is suitable as a meditation seat.

Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I

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Guided Yoga: Noose and Dedicated to the sage Mariachi

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Noose pose, or Pasasana, is a twister. It challenges our faith in what the body can, and should, be able to do. The pose stretches and twists the upper body, and demands a stable foundation.

Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I is a seated forward bend with a bind. The pose is named after Sage Marichi was one of the 10 original ‘wise men’ of yoga.

Reclining Big toe Pose

Gunny Sodhi Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Reclining Big toe and Reclining Hero pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Two poses for today are Reclining Big Toe and Reclining Hero pose Reclining Big Toe and Reclining Hero pose Reclining Big Toe Pose Reclined Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana) is a classic stretch for runners and other athletes since it gets right into the hamstrings and calves. Steps Come to lie on your back with your legs outstretched. Bend your …

Bridge Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Bridge Pose and Cat Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Bridge pose stretches the chest, neck, and spine as well as the reproductive and digestive organs. It calms the mind and boosts mood, helping with anxiety, fatigue, and depression.

The cat pose (Marjaryasana) in yoga stretches and strengthens your spine to help improve your posture and balance.

Puppy Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Puppy Pose and Triangle Pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Puppy Pose replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. It can be practiced by any beginner too and with all its benefits, one should include it as a part of daily yoga practice.

Triangle Pose is a standing yoga pose that tones the legs, reduces stress, and increases stability.

Seated Forward Bend

Gunny Sodhi Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Seated forward bend and standing forward bend

Reading Time: 2 minutes
There are many benefits of seated forward bend, the main and most obvious one is to provide a complete stretch of the entire backside of the body from the back of the head through the heels. Immediately following this is the counter stretch, the inclined plane.

Standing Forward Bend calms the mind while stretching and rejuvenating the whole body. This pose is an essential element of Sun Salutations and helps to prepare the body for deeper forward bends.

Upward Abdominal Lock

Gunny Sodhi Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Supported Shoulder Stand and Upward Abdominal Lock

Reading Time: 2 minutes Supported Shoulder Stand and Upward Abdominal Lock – Poses and Benefits Supported Shoulder Stand Shoulderstand is entered from a supine position with the knees bent. The shoulders may be supported on folded blankets, and the upper arms may be held in with a belt just above the elbows. Beginners may lift with bent legs, advanced users with straight legs. The …

Fish Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Half Moon and Fish Yoga Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes Half Moon and Fish Yoga Pose Half Moon and Fish Yoga Pose help relieve tension in the neck and shoulders and provide relief from respiratory disorders by encouraging deep breathing. Half Moon Pose or Backward Bend  Steps Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body. Balance your weight equally on both feet Breathing in, extend your arms overhead, …