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Jatin Sherwani Sober Living

The Abstinence Violation Effect and Overcoming It

Reading Time: 4 minutes For example, I am a failure (labeling) and will never be successful with abstaining from drinking, eating healthier, or exercising (jumping to conclusions). Another example is Taylor, who has been doing a wonderful job taking walks and engaging in healthier eating. Taylor uses an app to watch her intake of calorie limit and does see positive outcomes to her new …

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Body, Daily Routines

Energy healing as a path to Wellness

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you ever feel stuck? Are there times where you haven’t felt like yourself? Does something still feel off despite your efforts to eat well, exercise, and make healthy changes in your life?  This was exactly how I once felt.  Then a friend suggested I try an energy healing session. At that point I knew nothing about energy healing.  However, …

Why Ashwagandha is Essential for Health & Wellness

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Herbs, Product Articles

Why Ashwagandha is Essential for Health & Wellness

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ashwagandha is an ancient, medicinal herb that is an essential part of Ayurveda, a popular form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing. The Sanskrit term Ayurveda translates to “knowledge of life.” Some of these treatments are now gaining recognition in the United States, such as the use of ashwagandha in supplement form.  Ashwagandha is known to help the …

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Doshas, Kapha, Kapha Dosa

All You Need to Know About Kapha Dosha

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ever wondered what brings stability and support to our body or what holds our body cells, multiple muscles and bones together?  In Ayurveda, the answer to these questions lies in kapha dosha. Made up of earth and water elements, kapha dosha is an easy-going yet powerful energy that resides within our body. It not only keeps joints lubricated but also …

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Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Knowledge Center

Struggling With Digestive Issues? Reiki May Help!

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’ve had them, you know that digestive issues can seriously impact your quality of life!  Today, millions of people are affected by problems with digestion.  These include heartburn, ulcers, IBS, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain, or just generalized discomfort.  Most likely you, or someone you know, is silently living with the discomfort of unhappy digestion. Read on to learn …

create your own adventure boost naturally

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Essential Oils, Immunity, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Mindset Matters – Create your own Adventure and Naturally Boost your Health

Reading Time: 3 minutes When unexpected events occur, such as the current pandemic, how do you choose or create your own adventure? How do you find balance, making the most out of your situation? In what ways can you create a mindset that ultimately supports your overall health, well-being, and immunity? how do you naturally boost your health ? Ayurvedic medicine is a science …

broadening your horizons

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Lifestyle

Broadening Your Horizons: How you can learn new skills and discover new hobbies.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Is life becoming a bit stale? Do you feel like you’ve been dragging through the same routine day after day? It’s easy to become trapped in a mundane cycle when you’re simply living to trudge your way through the work week and earn that paycheck. Sometimes, sticking your nose to the grindstone seems like the only way to keep your …

Maintaining Joint Health

Kelly Driscoll Joints, Knowledge Center, Product Articles

Maintaining the health of your joints

Reading Time: 4 minutes Pops, crackles, clicks, creaks – the sounds of your joints bubbling as you move may be absolutely harmless! However, as we (inevitably) age, it is important to continue moving our joints in their full motion. You know the saying – if you don’t use it, you lose it! Understand how Maintaining the health of your joints is easier than you …

herbs for stress

Ferd Sual Digestion, Herbs, Knowledge Center, Lifestyle

Herbs & Teas That Will Relieve You of Stress

Reading Time: 3 minutes These days, there are more opportunities available to us than ever before. In every way that counts, the world of the 21st century is truly a globalized one. You can live wherever you want, and you can work in whatever profession you choose. However, there is definitely another side to that coin – and you can be sure it’s a …

Kelly Driscoll Lifestyle, Recipes & DIY

Ayurvedic Cranberry Sauce -Chutney

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Holiday season is a time for gathering – coming together in sacred space with friends and loved ones, reflecting on our gratitudes and experiences of the past year, and of course, sharing nourishing food. I have vivid memories of such meals, with many gathered around the table, passing homemade dishes and sharing in laughter. Ayurvedic Cranberry Sauce – Chutney …