Test Do not deliver Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga – Boat Pose and Bridge Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Boat Pose builds core strength as well as relieving tension and lethargy. The core strength in the body can protect the lower back, but also refers us to our inner core. The inner core of the being takes us to the true journey of yoga, the exploration of our inner nature. So jump into the boat pose, and discover something about what yoga can truly reveal.

Bridge Pose is a very accurate description of the posture: Setu translates to “bridge”, and bandha to “joining”. Partial inversion and partial backbend, Setubandhasana is a unique combination of two of the main asana categories.

Positive affirmations - Breathing Techniques

Test Do not deliver Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: The Channel Clearing Breathing

Reading Time: < 1 minute Nadi Shodhana commonly referred to as alternate nostril breathing, is a simple but highly effective practice that cultivates a feeling of centered calm in the mind and body. It is clinically shown to have a beneficial effect on several cardiovascular parameters, harmonize the hemispheres of the brain, as well as the nervous system.

Head to knee forward bend and Lord of the dance pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga – Head to knee forward bend and Lord of the dance pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Head-to-Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana) is an excellent stretch to relieve tight hamstrings, the muscles in the back of your thighs. If you tend to dislike doing a seated forward bend with both legs straight, this pose may come as a pleasant surprise. Taking your stretch one leg at a time allows you to go a lot deeper and feels so much better.

Natarajasana is an advanced balance pose that brings grace, peace of mind, and clarity. The pose is additionally a deep backbend that requires great strength in the entire front line of the body. The Front Line of the body extends from the quadriceps, through the hips, abdominals, chest, and even the front of the throat.

Pigeon and Thread the Needle Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Pigeon and Thread the Needle Pose

Reading Time: 3 minutes Pigeon Pose is a hip opener forward bend. It stretches the entire lower part of the body, stimulates the abdominal organs and helps relieve the body of Sciatica.

Thread the Needle pose (Sucirandhrasana), also known as Eye of the Needle or Figure 4 pose, is much less intense than Pigeon pose, but just as effective for opening the hips, and safer for those with any limitations such as knee or hip issues.

Bridge Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Bridge Pose and Cat Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Bridge Pose is a beginning backbend that helps to open the chest and stretch the thighs.

Cat pose is often paired with Cow Pose for a gentle warm-up sequence. When practiced together, the poses help to stretch the body and prepare it for other activities.

Cow Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga – Cow Pose and Chair Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes A seated yoga posture, Gomukhasana can be performed along with a set of different seated asanas. It helps stretch the arms, triceps, shoulders, and chest. Requiring the practitioner to sit erectly, it also enhances one’s posture.

Sitting in a chair may sound very easy and comfortable. But sitting in an imaginary chair might be a little challenging! And this is exactly what we do in Utkatasana or Chair Pose. The literal meaning of Utkatasana is an intense posture or a powerful posture.

Dolphin Plank Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Dolphin and Dolphin Plank Poses

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dolphin pose strengthens the core, arms, and legs, while also nicely opening the shoulders.

Dolphin Plank Pose is an intermediate level rejuvenating yoga posture that helps tones the abdominal muscles. It is a variation of the Dolphin Pose.

Locust Yoga Pose

Miguel Vallve Guided Yoga, Knowledge Center

Guided Yoga: Half Lord of the Fishes and Locust Pose

Reading Time: 2 minutes A good antidote for too much sitting and symptoms that come with overusing technology, half lord of the fishes pose has the ability to increase energy in the body while also stoking the digestive fire in your belly.

Salabhasana or Locust Pose effectively preps beginners for deeper backbends, strengthening the back of the torso, legs, and arms.