3 wonderful health benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

Ferd Sual Daily Routines, Digestion, Essential Oils, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

3 Wonderful Health Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you think of lemons, your mind may gravitate toward those delightful summertime drinks. Commonly added for flavor, lemons are known for their refreshing and clean taste. If you are a big fan of these yellow fruits, you may have heard about one of its purest forms: lemon essential oil. This natural ingredient is extracted from the peel of fresh …

How our bodies react to longer summer days and what it means

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Lifestyle, Pitta

How Our Bodies React to Longer Summer Days and What It Means

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sunglasses. Hats. Bikinis. Beaches. Playing outdoors. Isn’t that what summer is supposed to be all about?  Learn how our bodies react to longer summer days and what it means. Have you ever noticed that as the summer months roll on, you are decidedly happier, more active, and there’s that extra zing to life – everything just seems better, even if …

five ways besides water to stay hydrated

Ferd Sual Knowledge Center, Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Five Ways to Stay Hydrated During the Summer (Besides Water)

Reading Time: 3 minutes What’s the secret to long-term health? Most of us would say regular exercise, eating right, sleeping on time, kicking off bad habits, etc. when asked this question. How many would even pause to think that a simple, no-fuss way to ensuring robust long-term health lies actually in hydration. Here are five ways to stay hydrated during the summer. Yes, staying …

tips for staying healthy

Ayurveda & You, Joints, Knowledge Center, Product Articles, Seasonal Guides

Tips for Staying Healthy with Summer Workouts

Reading Time: 4 minutes Summer has finally arrived! With states opening back up and the weather turning warm, now is a great time to get back into your fitness routine. We’ve rounded up some tips for staying healthy with summer workouts such as running, cycling and swimming; that you can use to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle and wellness routine.  Tips for Running in the …

summer ayurvedic diet

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Lifestyle, Pitta, Product Articles, Seasonal Guides

The Warming Ayurvedic Diet in the Summer Months

Reading Time: 3 minutes Maintaining a Warming Ayurvedic Diet in the Warming Months While the Ayurveda approach to diet varies with the body types – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – one feature remains consistent: Ayurveda, as a whole, encourages consuming warming foods. Spicy turmeric lattes trump vibrant green juice and grounding kitchadi and soups are advocated over cold, raw salads. Although these suggestions may …

pitta season

Ferd Sual Ayurveda & You, Digestion, Doshas, Mood, Pitta, Pitta Dosa, Seasonal Guides

Top 5 Tips To Bring Balance to Pitta Dosha

Reading Time: 4 minutes You may have recently found out that your main Dosha is Pitta, and wonder how can you bring on the balance that will help you become more physically healthy? Avoid digestive problems? Get a good night’s sleep?  Here are our top 5 tips to bring balance to Pitta Dosha. WHEN IN BALANCE, Pitta dosha people feel strong, determined, and have …

understanding Pitta Dosha

Kelly Driscoll Ayurveda & You, Pitta, Pitta Dosa

Understanding Pitta in the World

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sweat pastes your shirt to your skin, you might snap any moment, can’t cool down, and are so dang hangry! Welcome to an overactive Pitta, which plagues many Americans and people around the world. There is a lot of Pitta in the World, caused by the stress of modern life. Understanding Pitta in the World Pitta, one of the doshas …

Gunny Sodhi Ayurveda & You, Lifestyle, Pitta, Pitta Dosa, Recipes & DIY

Pitta Balancing Summer Smoothies

Reading Time: 2 minutes Summer is a time of beach trips, vacations, picnics, sundresses, longer, warmer days. According to Ayurveda, the seasons are connected to the doshas or the mind-body types. The hot summer months are considered “pitta season.” The pitta dosha is characterized by physical heat, a fast metabolism, and strong digestion. In order to balance the fierce, fieriness of the pitta dosha …

Gunny Sodhi Lifestyle, Seasonal Guides

Nature in Summer: Six Best Ways to Make the Most of Both

Reading Time: 3 minutes Summer is the season when nature is bursting with life and vigor and it makes for a great time to get outside and explore your environment. Regardless of your age, nature offers something for everyone – all you need is a curious mind and an eye for beauty. Here are six fun things to do to make the most of …

staying motivated with ayurveda

Ayurveda & You, Daily Routines, Doshas, Kapha, Kapha Dosa, Lifestyle, Mood, Seasonal Guides

Staying Motivated with Ayurveda

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you ever find yourself struggling to get everything done? Maybe you want to go to that event after work with your friends, but you just can’t seem to find the energy. If this is the case, you may be suffering from an imbalance of Kapha energy in your body. The key to staying motivated with Ayurveda is learning to …