Reading Time: < 1 minute A great and easy breathing exercise to put your body in a complete state of calm and relaxation.
Your Essential Guide To Pitta Dosha
Reading Time: 2 minutes Do you have an excellent digestion and a radiant complexion? Do you get sound sleep and have a strong sex drive? If the answer to these questions is yes, then your dominant dosha is pitta. In Ayurveda, pitta dosha governs heat, metabolism and transformation in the body. It not only controls the way we digest food but also helps maintain …
Healthy Gut & Mind: 5 Simple Solutions For The Most Common Digestive Issues
Reading Time: 3 minutes Through centuries, man has relied on his gut to make decisions. How many times have you, for instance, had a gut-wrenching experience or felt butterflies in your stomach? This connection between mind and gut is borne out by cutting-edge neuroscience. The human gut – dubbed the second brain – is home to more than a 100 million nerve cells, more …
Staying Happy: 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mood
Reading Time: 4 minutes Research shows that more than 19 million Americans have periods of depressed mood where they feel a lack of pleasure and experience self–defeating thoughts. In fact, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts that by 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability. These eye-opening statistics about grave mental conditions such as depression and …