Phew! 2020. Yes… we have been hearing, experiencing, and feeling it ALL for the past year. However, magically enough, a new year is soon upon us. And while this period of time has hit us each individually in our own personal ways, this final month of the year is a wonderful opportunity to close out 2020 in the most epic ways possible. In this article Rounding out the Year! we share 4 rejuvenating ways to close out 2020.

Every moment we have a choice. How do you choose your adventure?
During moments of change, endings, and new beginnings, it’s wise to have a simple guide. This offers you the opportunity to reflect, move through emotions, celebrate, and set goals for what’s ahead.
4 Rejuvenating Ways to Close out 2020
Here is a simple guide, inspired by Ayurvedic wisdom, to help you rebalance, heal, and recharge for the upcoming new year.
With all that has manifested this year, Ayurveda reminds us of the power of intention and of cultivating gratitude. Taking time each day to reflect on what you have to be grateful for has the power to not only shift your mood or your mindset, but also to boost your immunity and restore balance.
There is always something to be grateful for. The breath of a new day, the food on your table, that song you heard on the radio in the car.
Reflect on at least 3 things each day, no matter now big or small. Feel free to get creative and dig deep! Sometimes just the invitation to remember and remind ourselves, as often as needed.
Share with your friends, partner, children, or just reflect within yourself when you wake up in the morning or before going to bed each night.
Write a list of all that has gone well for you this year.
It is easy to forget the good…whether significant or mundane. What are you grateful for? Practice this every day this month. Even taking it a step further by asking other what they are grateful for and begin to spread the positive vibes.
What brings you the most joy? What have you always dreamt of doing you have yet to fulfill? What did you love to do as a child that you have lost touch with?
No matter where you are or what limitations you feel you are living with, there is always opportunity to bring happiness and play into your life.
Maybe it’s finally beginning the project you have put aside for years, or getting outside and playing in ways you’ve been told “you’re too old” for. The opportunities are endless! Keep an open mind, get creative, and take the plunge.
Getting Started:
- Set conscious intentions for yourself
- Create a vision board
- Write a list of all you’d love to do if there were no limitations
Then begin to work your way through. You may be surprised what you can draw into your reality!
Witnessing is a key practice in yoga, the sister science of Ayurveda. Being aware of your own thoughts, feelings, emotions, events, or situations. Witnessing is like waking up in the morning and then looking in the mirror and noticing yourself — not judging or criticizing, just neutrally observing the quality of being awake. That process of stepping back takes you out of being submerged in your experiences and thoughts and sensory input and into self-awareness.
So much has transpired this year. By being present in this way, as your own witness, you can then learn, evolve, and heal through life’s circumstances.
This is often one of the busiest times of the year. And sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission… truly nourish yourself!
This is often one of the busiest times of the year. And sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission… truly nourish yourself!
Find even ONE WAY each day to treat YOU each day this month. Whether it’s putting on your favorite music, getting outside on a sunny day, drawing yourself a warm epsom salt bath with candles, or even enjoying the scent of soothing essential oils (try YouVeda’s My Essential Oil blends!).
Set aside at least 30 minutes, just for you. Need some inspiration? Make a quick list of 10 things that completely light you up. It does not need to be complicated or anything extravagant. Maybe it’s sipping on a hot cup of coffee while reading a new book, enjoying a delicious meal, laughing with a close friend over a phone call. The little things add up… and can be everything right now.
We may feel as if we are on the last leg of a marathon and have little energy to notice all that’s so wonderful in our lives. Often a simple reminder to care for yourself first is all that you need, Try these 4 rejuvenating ways to round out the year!
Let’s close this year out balanced, healthy, and so grateful. There is no better time… than now! See you later, 2020!

Author: Carolyn Crews (YouVeda Wellness Contributor)