Three energies (aka doshas) swirl together, fusing the world as it is. These three energies not only structure a balanced planet – but they also construct YOU!
This information is the basis of Ayurveda, which was written in the Vedas thousands of years ago.
What Am I Made Of?
Remember the five elements that create nature? Air, water, earth, fire and ether. They are represented in the doshas.
To make us whole, a bit of each dosha manifests inside us. However, one or two doshas might dominant the others — which is normal!
We are born with a Prakriti (nature) – a unique blueprint of how active each dosha naturally is. When our doshas are balanced according to our prakriti, life flows easily and we are healthy.
Of course, we want our Prakriti to remain stabilized. How do we do that? One way is to look at the foods you are eating!. Knowing What to Eat for your Dosha is important!

What to Eat for your Dosha
Below we’ll explore basic principles of what to eat for your dosha and get your body in balance
What to Eat for Vata
Vata is made up of air and space. It controls movement in the body, from excretion to adaptability. People with a natural excess of vata in their systems tend to have dry skin and hair, creative minds, gassy tendencies, bursts of energy, lanky bodies, and cold extremities.
Enthusiastic with cravings to travel, when a vata-dominant person is in balance they’re imaginative and care-free. When out of balance, they worry, are anxious, and can’t sleep. Consider taking YouVeda’s My Healthy Mood supplement daily to help with anxiety.
To counter the plethora of air inside their systems (gas) it’s recommended that Vata-dominated humans eat warm foods that are easy to digest. Spices like cinnamon, ginger, cumin and cloves are wonderful to balance vata.
Here is a list of foods ideal for vata:
- Ripe fruits
- Boiled or steamed leafy or starchy vegetables
- Raw nuts
- Rice, oats, wheat
- Chamomile tea, lemon tea, licorice root
Avoid any foods that are cold and dry like iced drinks or raw veggies, since there is enough of that in a vata-dominant system already!
What to Eat for Pitta

Pitta is constituted of water and a bit of fire. Pitta is literally the fire that drives the way to your goals. People with more pitta in their pratkriya are prone to addiction to things like work, caffeine or alcohol. They are very determined people who bust through their to-do lists with keen attention to detail and concentration. Although they may be impatient, they are hard workers who love an adventure.
Pitta-dominants tend to have reddish hair and skin, freckles, a tendency to overheat. Indigestion, heartburn and ulcers are common. YouVeda offers digestion supplements to ease these symptoms.
When in balance, they are wonderful teachers or lawyers with great focus. When out of balance, they might snap at their coworker, burnout, or have an emotional outburst.
To subdue a bit of the fire roaring inside, cool or warm foods are recommended rather than piping hot meals.
Here are more foods that help pacify pitta:
- Moderate amounts of dairy
- Grains
- Raw or steamed veggies
- Herbal teas
- Cooling spices like mint and coriander
- Sweet fruits
Avoid hot and spicy food, fried foods, heavy meals, and foods high in acidity.
What to Eat for Kapha

Kapha is all about earth and water. Kapha is what grounds and stabilizes us.
People with more kapha are loving, caring and patient. They are dandy with a set routine and are great listeners. There is a tendency to be overweight with oily hair and lush skin. Kaphas adore a night in snuggling. They would love to be your friend forever.
When in balance, they are calm, nurturing and serene. When out of balance, change is very difficult. It may be hard to let go and move on from anything that is no longer needed, leading to pure stubbornness or depression.
To counter the stagnation that might arise in kapha, eat lighter foods like lettuce and spicy foods. Below are a few more ideas of what to eat:
- Any type of vegetable
- Strong spices like pepper, cinnamon, garlic, cumin and sesame
- Tonic water
- Endive
- Dry cooking rather than steaming foods, as kaphas may have excess water
- Ripe fruits
- Millet, rye, oats, barley
Kaphas should avoid foods that are heavy and will leave them feeling lethargic.
Living Ayurvedically
Often, we’re dominant in not one but two doshas! When that is the case, eat according to the seasons. Knowing what to eat for your Dosha is important.
Additionally, notice that your dosha may change throughout life. Yes, you are born with your prakriti, but the steadiness of all three doshas will swell and flow throughout your lifespan.
Take time to tune into your body, your thoughts, and behaviors. Most importantly, eat intuitively! What feels good for your body not in the moment, but for the long-run. Take smaller bites, chew the food completely before swallowing, and allow time to rest after swinging onto the next task after each meal.
Author – Carolyn Gladd (YouVeda Wellness Contributor)
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